BS, University of Missouri, Columbia, 1982
PhD, University of Maryland, College Park, 1986
Professional Experience:
Postdoctoral Fellow, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, 1987
Assistant Professor, University of Kentucky, 1989
Associate Professor, University of Kentucky, 1994-1999
Director of General Chemistry, University of Kentucky, 1999-2000
Professor, University of Kentucky, 1999-2000
Professor, University of Missouri, 2000-present
Program Director, Analytical Chemistry Group, MURR, 2000-2009
Associate Director, Research and Education, MURR, 2002-present
Honors and Awards
Fellow of the American Chemical Society (ACS)
University of Missouri 2006 William H. Byler Distinguished Professor
Outstanding Teaching Award for Tenured Faculty 1999, University of Kentucky
Professional Activities
Director, ACS National Nuclear Chemistry Summer School, 2012-2017
Chair, Division of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology of the ACS, 2006
Radiochemistry; Nuclear Chemistry; Analytical Chemistry
Our research is focused on the development of isotope production and radionuclear methods of analysis and the subsequent application of these techniques to fundamental problems in a variety of areas. The common theme that links our research projects in areas as diverse as environmental science, neurological disorders, and archaeology is the use of the unique properties of the nucleus to investigate problems that frequently cannot be addressed with other chemical techniques. Current research projects include:
Development of radioisotope micropower sources as nuclear batteries.
Development of targeted nanoparticle radiotherapy agents.
Development of nuclear forensic signatures in materials and biomonitors.
Investigation of the role of trace nutrients and potentially toxic metals in a variety of disease states.
Out of 210. H-index of 37
J.D. Brockman, J.W.N. Brown, J.S. Morrell, and J.D. Robertson, “Measurement of uranium isotope ratios in keratinous materials; a non-invasive bioassay for special nuclear material,” Analytical Chemistry 88, 8765-8771 (2016).
L.M. Carter, J.D. Brockman, J.D. Robertson, “Diffusion of cesium and iodine in compressed IG-110 graphite compacts,” Journal of Nuclear Materials 476, 30-35 (2016).
N. Hubley, J. Brown, J. Guthrie, J.D. Robertson and J.D. Brockman, “Development of ammonium bifluoride fusion method for rapid dissolution of trinitite samples and analysis by ICP-MS,” J of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 307(3), 1777-1780 (2016).
D. Rotsch, T. Brossard, S. Bihmidine, W. Ying, V. Gaddam, M. Harmata, J.D. Robertson, M. Swyers, S.S. Jurisson, and D.M. Braun, “Radiosynthesis of 6’-Deoxy-6’[18F]Fluorosucrose via Automated Synthesis and Its Utility to Study In Vivo Sucrose Transport in Maize (Zea mays) Leaves,” PLoS One 10(5), e0128989 (2015).
M.F. McLaughlin, J.D. Robertson, P.H. Pevsner, J.S. Wall, S. Mirzadeh, and J. Kennel, “LnPO4 Nanoparticles Doped with Ac-225 and Sequestered Daughters for Targeted Alpha Therapy,” Cancer Biotherapy and Radiopharmaceuticals 29(1), 34-41 (2014).
R.A. Kudgus, C.A. Walden, R.M. McGovern, J.M. Reid, J.D. Robertson and P Mukherjee, “Tuning Pharmacokinetics and Biodistribution of a Targeted Drug Delivery System Through Incorporation of a Passive Targeting Component,” Scientific Reports 4, 5669 (2014).
R. Arvizo, S. Saha, E. Wang, J.D. Robertson, R. Bhattacharya, and P. Mukherjee, “Inhibition of Tumor Growth and Metastasis by a Self-Therapeutic Nanoparticle,” PNAS 110(17) 6700-6705 (2013).
B.R. Nullmeyer, A. Garnov, J.D. Robertson and J. Kwon, "Mechanisms Leading to Losses in Conventional Betavoltaics and Evolution: Utilizing Composite Semiconductor with Infused Radioisotope for Efficiency Improvement," Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 23(1), 56-65 (2014).
R.A. Clark, J.D. Robertson, and J.M. Schwantes, “Intrinsic Dosimetry: Elemental Composition Effects on the Thermoluminescence of Commercial Borosilicate Glass,” Radiation Measurements 59, 270-276 (2013).