PhD University of Colorado, Boulder
BS University of Missouri, Columbia
Professional Experience:
Matthias J. Young received a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Missouri-Columbia in 2010, and a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Colorado-Boulder in 2015 as an NSF graduate research fellow, co-advised by Charles Musgrave and Steven George. He worked as a National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellow at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Boulder, Colorado and as a postdoctoral researcher at Argonne National Laboratory under Jeffrey Elam prior to joining the faculty at the University of Missouri in September 2018. At the University of Missouri, Dr. Young runs the Mizzou Thin Film Coatings and Materials Electrochemistry Lab. Dr. Young’s work focuses on the intersection of thin film coating chemistry and electrochemical material properties. Specifically, his group pairs atomic layer deposition (ALD) and molecular layer deposition (MLD) techniques with advanced characterization and multi-modal/in operando electrochemical measurement to understand and overcome the fundamental barriers limiting electrochemical material performance. Dr. Young is the recipient of the 2020 Paul H. Holloway Young Investigator Award from the American Vacuum Society Thin Film Division and is author on > 25 publications and inventor on 5 patent applications. Current research projects in his research group focus on understanding and improving electrode materials for energy storage and water treatment applications. These include (1) understanding growth and properties of electrically-conductive and redox-active polymers by MLD to enable energy-efficient water desalination and advanced ion sensors and (2) probing the atomic structure of amorphous thin films deposited by ALD and MLD using pair distribution function analysis to improve understanding of process-structure-property relationships and accelerate timescales for applying ALD/MLD coatings to address technological needs.
Thin Film Coatings
Materials Electrochemistry
Atomic Layer Deposition

R. Gettler, M.J. Young,* “Multimodal Cell with Simultaneous Electrochemical Quartz Crystal Microbalance and operando Spectroscopic Ellipsometry to Understand Thin Film Electrochemistry” Review of Scientific Instruments 92 pp 053902 doi: 10.1063/5.0035309

A.M. Jasim, X. He, T.A. White, Y. Xing, M.J. Young,* “Cryo-ePDF: Overcoming electron beam damage to study the atomic structure of amorphous aluminum oxide films within a TEM” ACS Omega 6 (13) pp 8986-9000 doi: 10.1021/acsomega.0c06124

Q.K. Wyatt, M.J. Young,* “Pulsed electrodeposition of thin film polyaniline and mechanistic understanding of its supercapacitive and ion-binding properties.” Journal of the Electrochemical Society 167 (11) pp 110548 2020 doi: 10.1149/1945-7111/aba5d5

M.J. Young*, A. Yanguas-Gil, S. Letourneau, M.W. Coile, D.J. Mandia, N.M. Bedford, B. Aoun, A.S. Cavanagh, S.M. George, J.W. Elam, “Probing the atomic-scale structure of amorphous aluminum oxide grown by atomic layer deposition” ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 12 (20) pp 22804-22814, 2020 doi: 10.1021/acsami.0c01905